Samsarana is a musical journey created by Barry Weinberg which spans from
the moment of the Big Bang to the Spiritual Awakening of Man. Crossing the
boundaries of Progressive Rock, Folk, Blues, Heavy Metal, Jazz and Orchestral
music, Samsarana is a concept album written as a novel with each song a chapter
in the story. This musical novel is about Polarity…Life and Death, Light and
Dark, Good and Evil, Disillusionment and Enlightment. It tells a powerful
human story of life’s challenges, redemption and self-actualization that all
listeners will relate to and be inspired by.
Samsarana is a Sanskrit word that literally means „The Wandering“, referring to
the endless cycles of Birth, Life, Death, Birth, Life, Death,
ad infinitum – This Vicious Circle.
Copyright © 2018 Dream Reality Productions, LLC I All rights reserved.